Saturday 31 July 2010

Digital wall clocks

Digital wall clocks have numbers in a line instead of in a circle and they are electronically operated with flicks or blinks for each passing second. They are always powered by electricity and most digital wall clocks are efficiently powered by putting batteries in side them, which can last a long time. Many digital wall clocks use quartz timing mechanisms so they tend to be a very accurate and reliable wall clock. Because many digital wall clocks have bold or illuminated numbers reading the correct time is extremely easy and normally only takes a single glance to tell the correct time.

Digital wall clocks are very accurate time keeping clocks. Manufacturers use different mechanisms to make sure the wall clock keeps it’s time. Most of the common digital wall clocks are either radio controlled, this is where the wall clock is updated by a radio station to ensure accuracy with the official time, the other main timing mechanism for digital wall clocks is using a quartz timer.

There are many types of digital wall clocks, which come in many different sizes and colours. Some of the more popular designs are modern digital wall clock designs, retro digital wall clocks and LED digital wall clocks. Most people choose larger digital wall clocks are these tend to be easier to read and offer a great design feature to a wall.

Sunday 25 July 2010

Quartz Wall Clocks create reliable time pieces

Quartz Wall Clock

A quartz wall clock is a clock that uses an electronic oscillator that is regulated by a quartz crystal to keep time. This crystal oscillator creates a signal with very precise frequency, so that quartz clocks are at least an order of magnitude more accurate than good mechanical clocks. Generally, some form of digital logic counts the cycles of this signal and provides a numeric time display, usually in units of hours, minutes, and seconds. Since the 1970s, they have become the most widely used timekeeping technology.

Chemically, quartz is a compound called silicon dioxide. When a crystal of quartz is properly cut and mounted, it can be made to vibrate, or oscillate, using an alternating electric current. The frequency at which the crystal oscillates is dependent on its shape and size, and the positions at which electrodes are placed on it. If the crystal is accurately shaped and positioned, it will oscillate at a desired frequency; in clocks and watches, the frequency is usually 32,768 Hz, as a crystal for this frequency is conveniently small, and as this frequency is a power of two and can easily be counted using a 15-bit binary digital counter. Once the circuit supplying power to the crystal counts that this number of oscillations have occurred, it increases the recorded time by one second. This property, of changing shape under an electric current, is known as piezoelectricity. Such crystals were once used in low-end phonograph cartridges: the movement of the stylus (needle) would flex a quartz crystal, which would produce a small voltage, which was amplified and played through speakers.

Many materials can be formed into plates that will resonate. However, since quartz can be directly driven (to flex) by an electric signal, no additional speaker or microphone is required.

Quartz has the further advantage that its size does not change much as temperature fluctuates. Fused quartz is often used for laboratory equipment that must not change shape along with the temperature, because a quartz plate's resonance frequency, based on its size, will not significantly rise or fall. Similarly, a quartz wall clocks will remain relatively accurate as the temperature changes.

Quartz wall clocks come in a wide range of styles and colours and because the quartz mechanism offers a reliable time keeping piece they are by far the most common of the modern wall clocks.

Ideal wall clocks offer a wide range of wall clocks in virtually every style, colour, shape and size.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Use a retro wall clock to create a stunning room

Retro Wall Clocks

Retro wall clocks have become very popular with today’s consumers and shoppers as they offer some great wall clock designs for your kitchen or living room in your house. The word "retro" derives from the Latin prefix retro, meaning "backwards" or "in past times" – particularly as seen in the words retrograde, implying a movement toward the past instead of a progress toward the future, and retrospective, referring to a nostalgic (or critical) eye toward the past.

Retro is a culturally outdated or aged style, trend, mode, or fashion, from the overall post-modern past, but have since that time become functionally or superficially the norm once again. The use of "retro" style iconography and imagery interjected into post-modern art, advertising, mass media, etc. has occurred from around the time of the industrial revolution to present day.

To add a feature to a room you cannot do better than add a stunning retro wall clock. There are many different styles of retro clocks, from radial clocks to starburst wall clocks to flip wall clocks. The full range of retro wall clocks is very diverse and selecting the correct one is not always straightforward. The vast availability of retro designs today make it possible to stamp your personality in your space. A retro wall clock can be the making of your room from a design stand point.